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Selectmen's Minutes October 9, 1997
Minutes October 9, 1997 Selectmen’s Meeting

Selectmen Present: Chairman Charles Flynn arrived late, Peter Jones, Catherine Kuchinski, Daniel Webster, Judy Murdoch, Joseph Nugent, Executive Secretary.

I.      Jones called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.  The following people were introduced : State Representative Fran Marini,  Housing Authority, Paul Taber and Neil Ross; Peg Kitchenham, Director of Hanson Housing Authority; Steve DeDominici, Board of Assessors; Roger McGovern from Golf Course Study Committee and The  Finance Committee; County Commissioners: Chairman, Joseph McDonough and Planning Consultant, Russ Feldman.

II.     Joe McDonough gave the Board an overview of the Plymouth County’s position relative to High Street and their intent to work with the Town to find the best use for the property.  Mr. McDonough stated that the County was pursuing several avenues in divesting itself of the County Hospital Facility.  He mentioned filing legislation which would resolve the legal issues which arose with the Hanson Housing Authority/South Shore Housing Development Corp.  response to the County’s RFP last year.  He described the difficulty having to do with the lease or sale of the property over a certain time frame.  Mr. McDonough introduced the Plymouth County Commissioner’s Planning Consultant, Russ Feldman, he discussed the RFP and the submitted response as well as going over legal issues which Mr. McDonough had mentioned. In addition Mr. Feldman discussed the history of the County property from the imminent domain taking in 1917 from the town to the present utilization of the property.  Mr. Nugent then discussed the County’s debits and credits which were outlined to him in a phone call from Commissioner Robert Stone.  Commissioner McDonough tended to agree for the most part, however could neither confirm or deny several of the numbers.  Rep. Marini stated that he felt strongly that the Town of Hanson should have a say in the disposition of the County Property.  While he was more than willing to work with the Commissioners in sponsoring the necessary legislation which would help the Housing Authority and South Shore Housing Development Corp. as well as the County to restructure RFP’s and responses, he felt he needed direction from the Board of Selectmen first.

III.    There was some general discussion on uses of the property as well as time frames within which the property might be disposed of by the County.  There was a consensus that the Board of Selectmen were willing to work with the Commissioners.  Jones suggested that an informal committee consisting of the Exec Sec. a member of The Board of Assessors and the Director of the Housing Authority work with representatives from the Commissioners office to further discuss details concerning the transfer of the property.   This Committee might meet the first week in November after the Selectmen have walked the site and toured the buildings.  

IV.     Meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.